It all started with three patients that I had the privilege of caring for, who trusted that dentistry with the microscope was the best way to achieve healthy teeth.

From the very beginning, my focus was always on the well-being of the patients. I provided medical care in such a way that a single treatment was sufficient for a lifetime. I even performed the dental hygiene myself back then – of course, with the microscope.

From an economic standpoint, I certainly made many mistakes – too much time spent with patients for relatively low compensation. After 8 years in practice, my bank advisor told me, after I asked for an extension of my overdraft: “Dr. Kotschy, if your practice has still not generated enough profit after 8 years, then you should close it now. We won’t be giving you a higher overdraft limit.” Admittedly, it was a real low point in the history of my dental practice. And at the same time, a turning point.

A press article about the benefits of root canal treatment under the microscope, in which I was personally named, fortunately brought me a wave of new patients. Over the years, my patient list grew from 3 to 3000. The fact that I take sufficient time for each patient and provide the best possible treatment for every individual has not changed after 20 years. It’s been a long, but medically and microscopically correct path, one that all my patients approve of.

Not only the patient list but also the practice expanded continuously. We started with two units in one room. Later, the dental hygiene was moved to its own room, and I added spaces from the former Spanish Cultural Institute. A few years later, my colleague Dr. Ali Al-Samarrae joined my practice, and we created a state-of-the-art microscope treatment room, thus adding a third unit. In 2022, we acquired a modern 3D X-ray system to not only answer all questions for root canal treatments but also to perform dental surgery and implantology at the highest level. The newest treatment room will be completed in 2025 and is already fully planned. Microscopically precise dental treatment ensures patient satisfaction for a lifetime and is highly recommended. A big thank you to my patients!

Education, advanced training, and further education are a must for me. This includes professional conferences as well as the daily “learning sessions” with patients. Even after two decades, I learn something new every day and pass on my knowledge to my team. In the microscope clinic, we have the brilliant opportunity to take photos before, during, and after treatment and compare them. This is my daily portion of continuing education, which has made me a very good microscope dentist over the course of 20 years.

Practicing regular dentistry with a microscope is something anyone can learn. (Unfortunately, only very few do.) But analyzing my successes and failures over 20 years, and even developing patents along the way, has led me to the treatment philosophy that is medically unique to this day. The fact that I am on the right track with my method becomes clear at the latest 10 years after treatment. If fillings, crowns, and root canal treatments have endured the first 10 years without issues, they will most often last a lifetime. That’s why I also offer a 10-year guarantee.

Continuing Education Activities, Organized by Focus:

Microscope Dentistry:

  • ESMD Congress / Amsterdam



  • Lumineers Smile Design Workshop
  • Aesthetic Anterior Tooth Restorations with Composite
  • Basic Rules of Aesthetics and Their Realization with Composite / Würzburg
  • Aesthetic Dentistry
  • All-Ceramic Symposium


Endodontics/Root Canal Treatment:

  • Austrian Endodontics Conference of ÖGZMK
  • Endo Revision – Simple / Salzburg
  • Austrian Endodontics Conference of ÖGZMK / Salzburg
  • Endodontics Conference / Salzburg
  • Rotary Instruments Workshop / Ballaigues



  • ARGE for Dental Trauma, 7th Austrian Conference
  • Distraction versus Augmentation
  • Implantology Current – Sinus Lift Elevation
  • Surgical Anatomical Training Course on Human Specimens / Vienna
  • 3I Live Surgery Course
  • Oral Surgery Intensive Course in Theory and Practice
  • OP Surgery Course / Munich
  • Periodontology Symposium on Soft Tissue Management and Implants and Teeth
  • The Empty Alveolus / Vienna
  • PRP Symposium, Autologous Blood or Protein



  • Basic Implantology Course, Biocare
  • Implantology – Case Planning, Surgery, Prosthetics
  • Nobelguide Beginner Course / Nobel Biocare
  • Nobelguide – Bring Your Own Case / Nobel Biocare
  • Oral Surgery UP-Date: WSR 8er KH Coverage
  • Live OP “Immediate Implant,” Academy for Oral Implantology
  • 4th Joint Conference of ÖGI – Austrian Society for Implants
  • Advanced Surgical Training in Augmentation and Implantology
  • Live OP Course Implantology Practical Approach
  • Annual Conference of ÖGI – Austrian Society for Implantology
  • ITI Dental Implant System
  • Live OP Course Implantology Practical Approach


General Dentistry:

  • Dentists’ Congress
  • New Methods in Cavity Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Surgical Assistance – Basic Course
  • 8th Carinthian Symposium
  • Provisional Course, Zafi
  • Cerec 3D CAD/CAM Method
  • Emergencies in the Dental Practice
  • A New Approach to Diagnostic Treatment Planning and Occlusal Adjustment / Vienna
  • Fundamentals of Dental Hypnosis and Communication
  • Psychodiagnostics and Application of Dental Hypnosis


Prophylaxis, Periodontology:

  • ZAFI – Prophylaxis Day / ZAFI
  • Plastic Periodontal Surgery
  • Plastic Periodontal Surgery
  • Periodontology Workshop
  • Periodontology Workshop
  • Periodontology Workshop
  • Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases – A Risk for Patients? / Zurich


Laser in Dentistry:

  • Laser in Microscope Dentistry? / Quality Circle March
  • Laser Safety for Low-Level Lasers
  • Mechanisms of Action of Soft Lasers / Vienna

You can only treat properly what you can see. The microscope allows us to precisely examine and treat teeth and gums with up to 20x magnification. We therefore give our patients a 10-year guarantee on microscope-based treatments (except root canals).

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