
Highest Precision

The microscope has been used in the USA for many years in root canal treatments and is standard in the training for specialists in endodontics (root canal treatment). Dental work performed with magnification shows a significant improvement in quality and durability. Since dentistry deals with small body parts, the teeth, and works with very delicate materials, up to 20x magnification is crucial for the best results. For the dentist, the work is very challenging, as it is typically done indirectly through the microscope and often via a mirror, requiring extensive practice before fillings can be placed professionally under the microscope.

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3D X-ray

Digital Volumetric Tomography

The digital radiographic 3-dimensional representation shows the upper and lower jaw with all dental and bone structures. This device is indispensable for our goal of making predictable and clear diagnoses. Especially when patients come to us with acute severe pain or chronic, previously undiagnosable pain, it provides quick clarification. Additionally, it is excellent for diagnosing periodontitis/periodontal disease. It allows us to see root fractures, pus pockets, the relationship to the dental nerve, the position and difficulty of removing wisdom teeth, and much more.

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Video Headset

Optimal Distraction

I have always thought: If patients have to spend 1-2 hours in the treatment chair, why not shorten that time through distraction? I once found a video headset by Olympus in an electronics store, which was later further developed by Zeiss. By now, it has become an indispensable tool for me to educate patients optimally. Why? Because when people can’t see what’s actually happening in their mouth, they don’t believe it. I can say, “You have a lot of plaque in your mouth,” or I can show the patients how much plaque they have. This live education is an irreplaceable part of microscope dentistry.

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Cold Light Probe

Radiation-free Cavity Diagnosis

For front teeth, we only use the light probe and no X-ray. For the back teeth, we additionally check for cavities with the light probe along with X-rays, as the combination of both (light probe and X-ray) allows for more accurate detection of cavities. In the photo, you can see two incisors where decay is penetrating the enamel into the interior of the tooth. The cavity appears as a dark triangle at the tooth’s edge.

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Air Abrasion

Quiet, Gentle Cavity Removal

With air abrasion – also known as KCP (Kinetic Cavity Preparation) – sand is used instead of a drill for cavity removal. The sand is shot onto the cavity with high air pressure.

Advantages of Air Abrasion:

  • No drilling noise
  • Sand is much smaller than the smallest drill, allowing for much better and more precise cavity removal in small grooves and fissures
  • Precise cavity removal is the safest way to avoid needing a root canal treatment in time
  • No risk of the tooth dying from heat (which can occur with traditional drilling)
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Prophylaxis Master

For professional teeth cleaning, we use the AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master. As part of the so-called “Guided Biofilm Therapy,” mineralized deposits both below and above the gum line (sub- and supragingival biofilm) are efficiently and painlessly removed using the AIRFLOW® PLUS Prophylaxis Ultrasound.

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Electric Length Measurement

Safe, Precise Root Canal Treatment

Another device that has revolutionized root canal treatment is electric length measurement. It detects the distance of our root canal files (endodontic files) to the root tip without the need for an X-ray. This measurement is much more accurate than before, as it corresponds closely to the actual distance to the bone, enabling much better success predictions. The new devices combine this length measurement with a root canal treatment motor, which is needed for the endodontic files.