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What is a Ceramic Implant?

A ceramic implant replaces natural tooth roots in edentulous areas of the jaw. It serves as an anchor for crowns, bridges, and dentures.

Zirconium implants have shown no evidence of corrosion or interactions with the body (unlike titanium implants—for more information on “titanium allergy,” please refer to the relevant section). For patients who prefer a metal-free and as “healthy” as possible foreign implant in their bone, I recommend a ceramic implant.

How Should I Prepare for a Ceramic Implant?

In our practice, we perform delayed implantations. After tooth extraction, patients wait 6 months before receiving their ceramic implant. No special preparation is required for this procedure.

If you wish to take dietary supplements, you can find information on the website of SDS.

How Long Should You Wait After Tooth Extraction for Implantation? Immediate vs. Delayed Implantation

In principle, a ceramic implant could be placed immediately after gentle tooth extraction into the extraction socket (immediate implantation). However, the failure rate for such implants is significantly higher, so we do not perform this procedure.

The extraction socket is, if necessary, filled with Bio-Oss bone substitute material (bovine origin) and covered with a resorbable membrane (porcine origin). This technique is called the “Ridge Preservation Technique.”

How is an Implant Placed in the Jawbone?

Implants are placed into the jawbone using standardized surgical techniques. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is no more burdensome than a typical dental treatment under normal circumstances.

Sterility is a critical factor for successful implantation. Preparing a sterile surgical field is a meticulous process that takes approximately 30 minutes. You will be covered with sterile drapes, and the surgeon and assistants will wear sterile attire. The entire procedure for a single implant takes about 1 hour.

What is the Actual Process for Ceramic Implant Placement?

Antibiotics are generally not necessary for implantation today. However, we can prescribe antibiotics upon request for added assurance.

On the day of the implantation, the following steps occur:

  1. Once the office is prepared for sterile implantation, you will be brought in. You can choose to listen to music, watch a film on video glasses, or simply relax.
  2. After numbing the surgical area, you will be sterilized, and the mouth area will be thoroughly disinfected.
  3. The implantation process begins. It feels similar to a regular dental treatment, with no pain aside from a “rumbling” sensation. Upon request, I can provide live updates during the procedure.
  4. The implant bed is additionally disinfected with ozone.
  5. The implant will emerge through the gum with a cover screw (healing abutment). This method is called open healing.

The two-piece implant will be further treated after 6 months and must remain unloaded until then.

What Happens in the Days Following Implantation?

  • After 3 Days: Post-operative check-up of the wound healing progress
  • After 14 Days: Wound check and suture removal, if necessary
  • After 6 Months: In most cases, the ceramic implant is now integrated and can be restored with a crown or bridge.


Risk Factors for Ceramic Implants

  • Poor oral health (poor oral hygiene), leading to periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontal ligament)
  • General medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, chronic immune disorders*
  • Chemotherapy, radiation therapy (strictly in consultation with the treating oncologist)
  • Blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin®, ASS®, Eliquis®, Iscover®, Plavix®, Pradaxa®, Marcumar® require detailed internal medical clarification
  • Regular corticosteroid use
  • Reduced peripheral tissue perfusion, which may occur in the presence of cardiovascular disease and hypercholesterolemia
  • Smoking: Nicotine in smoke severely reduces microcirculation, which is critical for implant healing. Smoking not only worsens healing but also reduces the longevity of implants. While implants can last a lifetime, smokers often lose them within weeks to months after implantation or even years later. Smokers are explicitly excluded from free replacement of implants lost within the first 2 years. Smoking increases implant failure rates from 2% to 40%. The choice to proceed with implantation is yours.
  • Poor bone supply or quality


*If you have any of the above general medical conditions, we will refer you to an internist to minimize general medical and implantological complications in advance.

As described above, bone substitute material from Geistlich – Bio-Oss and a resorbable membrane from Geistlich – Bio-Gide/Perio-Gide may also be necessary to ensure the implant is fully surrounded by bone.

When Do We Not Place Dental Implants?

  • For patients taking medications such as bisphosphonates to treat bone cancer or osteoporosis
  • Within the first 6 months following a heart attack
  • In patients with decompensated heart failure or acute shortness of breath (dyspnea) during exertion
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